Therapeutic Uses - Vatavyadhi (Disease due to vata dosha)
Dosage - 12-12 ml according to the grade of the disease thrice a day after meal with warm water/ with honey or As directed by the physician.
Flexon Liquid Enriched Contains:
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
Antioxidant, immunomodulatory, hematopoietic, anxiolytic, antidepressant, tonic, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, hypolipidemic, and antibacterial activities. The pharmacological activity of the roots is attributed to the presence of several alkaloids.
Erand Mool (Ricinus communis)
Uses & Benefits of Castor
• Very effective in treating rheumatic disorders.
• Roots of this plant is used in the treatment of lumbago and sciatica.
• Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, facial paralysis.
Devdaru (Cedrus deodara)
Uses & Benefits of Cedarwood
• Good remedy in remittent and intermittent fevers, ulcers.
• Anti-fugal properties
• Antispasmodic
• Promotes digestive function, remove toxins from the bowel, alleviate coughing.
Ayurvedic practitioners use preparations from the deodar tree to treat urinary tract problems, diabetes, obesity, to relieve pain, for skin problems, to aid digestion and to strengthen the heart muscles and to improve blood circulation. The oil is used for headaches, coughs, colds, hiccups, arthritis and a number of other ailments including gout.
Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)
For treating arthritis and gout: The anti-inflammatory action of giloy makes it beneficial for treating inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and gout.
Similarly, consuming juice extracted from giloy stem and leaves daily helps to treat gout by lowering uric acid level in the body.
Boosts immunity: Giloy acts as a rasayana (rejuvenating agent) on account of its anti-oxidant properties.
It is known to boost immunity (by enhancing the efficiency of white blood cells) and aids the removal of toxins from the liver and kidneys and protects from damage caused by free radicals.
It also provides protection against disease causing bacteria. Giloy can be used to combat a large number of ailments such as liver diseases, urinary tract infections and sexual disorders. Treating chronic fever: Being an anti-pyretic in nature, giloy can be used to treat chronic fever effectively. It is beneficial for increasing blood platelet count, which makes it useful for alleviating dengue fever. Giloy extract taken daily can help relieve chronic fever. It can be combined with honey and used as a home remedy for malaria.
Digestive health: This herb is an effective means to get rid of digestion related ailments. A tried and tested remedy for acidity is ½ a gram of giloy powder taken along with amla (Indian Gooseberry) murrabba, which can be replaced with dry amla powder for DIABETICS. Giloy juice taken along with buttermilk is a classic remedy for indigestion. The same remedy is effective for piles as well.
DIABETES support:Studies have established that Giloy is an effective hypoglycemic agent, with the ability to reduce blood sugar and lipid levels considerably. This makes it very useful for treatment of type2 diabetes. Diabetics can consume giloy juice daily to LOWER BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS.
Adaptogenic herb: Giloy is used as an adaptogenic herb, that is, it has the ability to relieve mental stress and anxiety. Combined with Ashwagandha and Shatavari, it can be used as a general health tonic. It is also known for its ability to promote memory and longevity by reducing oxidative damage to cells and clearing away brain toxins. Thus, it can also be considered as an anti-aging herb.
Other benefits: Giloy has been found useful in fighting various other health problems. It is known to help in decongestion of lungs, making it useful for respiratory problems such as asthma and chronic cough. Excessive menstrual bleeding may be treated by using giloy juice.
Giloy juice is combined with neem and amla to treat skin disorders such as ACNE, eczema and psoriasis. The juice can be applied on eyes for healing conjunctivitis. It can also be used for cardiac debility, anemia, jaundice and leprosy.
Kuchla Shodhit (Stychnos nuxvomica)
Action, Medical Uses, and Dosage .Nux vomica is an energetic poison, exerting its influence chiefly upon the cerebro-spinal system; it affects the spinal cord principally, because the division of this cord does not prevent its poisonous influence, and, again, because when the cord is destroyed by the introduction of a piece of whalebone into the spinal canal, the convulsions immediately cease. In poisonous doses, nux vomica produces violent tetanic convulsions, without impairing the functions of the brain, with asphyxia and death. When given in doses sufficiently large to influence the system, a sensation of debility and heaviness is experienced, the spirits become depressed, the limbs tremble, and a slight rigidity or stiffness comes on when it is attempted to move. Frequently, the person can not stand erect; he staggers, and if at this time he be suddenly tapped on the ham while standing, a slight convulsive attack will often ensue, with an inability to stand. In the most severe paroxysms caused by this medicine, the patient retains his mental faculties, and the slightest motion, noise, or even a breath of wind passing over him, will excite convulsions anew, every time these occur. Sometimes, even with small doses, there will be sudden starts resembling shocks of electricity, which will be more or less severe, occasioning him to jerk the MUSCLES acted on in this manner. It frequently occasions priapism. Of course, these symptoms vary with different persons, in proportion to their susceptibility to the influence of the medicine, and to the quantity swallowed. The usual effects of nux vomica are about as follows: in poisonous doses, stiffness, weariness, pain or rending in the limbs, violent tetanic convulsions, with short intervals of repose, acute sensibility, dreadful alarm, and finally death; in small doses, twitching of the muscles, restlessness, anxiety, and increase of urine, perspiration, etc.; when the doses are rather large, there will be more active spasm of the muscles, a tendency to lockjaw, with the preceding symptoms more or less severe. Heat in the epigastric region, constriction of the throat, headache, dizziness, and impairment of vision with closely contracted pupils, are often caused by small doses; and more especially with the corpulent and apoplectic, there will be painful sensations in the skin compared to an electric shock, or to the creeping of insects over the surface, with more or less perspiration, slight involuntary spasms of the muscles, and a very disagreeable, dreamy or vague condition of the brain. The pulse may or may not be increased in frequency. Chloroform is beneficial in poisoning by nux vomica. (For other effects, and treatment of poisoning by nux vomica and strychnine, see also Strychninae Sulphas.)
In medicinal doses, nux vomica is tonic, and increases the action of the various excretory organs; it should always be given, as well as its alkaloids, in doses to fall short of any immediate sensible effects upon the system. The keynote to its use is atony. It was formerly employed in cases where there is a want of nervous energy, as in the treatment of paralysis, especially when this has been of some standing, and not occasioned by hemorrhage in the nervous centers, or inflammatory conditions of them. Strychnine is now generally used in its stead. It must not be used in recent cases, or while reaction prevails, or when signs exist either of local irritation in the brain or spinal cord, or of determination of blood toward the head. Congestion or inflammation must always be removed before employing it. It is said to be more beneficial in general paralysis and paraplegia than in hemiplegia, and also in local paralyses, as of the bladder, in amaurosis, impotence, spermatorrhoea, tremor of the MUSCLES produced by habitual intoxication, etc. It has also been beneficially employed in neuralgia, chorea, prolapsus of the rectum, borborygmi of females, colica pictonum, etc. A small quantity added to cathartics frequently increases their energy. Rheumatism, hysteria, mania, and worms have been successfully treated by the use of this agent.
As a remedy for atony of the gastro-intestinal tract, few agents equal, and none exceed nux vomica in value. The condition must not be one of irritation or inflammation, though it may be one of irritability due to atony. Often there is an enfeebled spinal innervation. The tongue is pallid and expressionless, there is nausea or vomiting, a yellow or sallow circle is about the month, and there is evidence of a disordered liver. There may be a yellow, pasty coating upon the tongue, yellowness of the conjunctiva, pain or fullness in the hepatic region, pain in shoulder, and colicky pains pointing to the umbilicus. With any or all of these symptoms it becomes a remedy of first importance, both for the ailments of adults and children. When nausea is due to irritating material in the stomach, nux will not be apt to relieve, but if due to simple atony, it is a positive agent. Used as above indicated, it is very valuable in cholera infantum, cholera morbus, Asiatic cholera, constipation, chronic dysentery, diarrhoea of atony, nervous debility of the stomach, thegastric irritability of the dipsomaniac (with good food and capsicum), and in chronic non-inflammatory infantile diarrhoea. It is especially used in obstinate and habitual constipation due to atony. A drop of nux vomica should be taken in a glass of cold water upon rising in the morning, and a regular habit of going to stool be encouraged. Nux relieves constipation due to spasmodic conditions of the bowels, and to some extent, that arising from the effects of lead. Nux is a remedy for heartburn, flatulent colic, colic of atony in infants, in all of which the pain centers near the umbilicus. It relieves the vomiting of PREGNANCY, of hysteria, and ofphthisis pulmonalis. In chronic dyspepsia of an atonic character, or associated with dilatation, or flatulent distension, it is one of our best remedies. Drop doses are of great benefit in the dyspepsia of inebriates. Though usually contraindicated by congestion, it is nevertheless a remedy for hepatic and splenic congestion, or other parts supplied by the coeliac axis. It stimulates the sluggish portal circulation and thereby relieves the congestion dependent thereon. It is the remedy for "biliousness," for hepatic colic, when not due to calculi, and for chronic jaundice due to atony.
In stomach and liver disorders requiring nux, there is always a feeble and sluggish circulation, and enfeebled spinal and sympathetic innervation. These conditions are overcome by nux vomica more quickly than by any other agent. Nux vomica is more largely used in disorders of the gastro-hepatic tract than strychnine, while strychnine is generally preferred in nervous, sexual, and bladder disorders. Nux vomica frequently acts as a sedative and antiperiodic. This it does when the conditions above referred to are present. Thus it has proved exceedingly useful when nerve force was low, as in typhoid fever, and in asthmatic seizures, in both of which there was impaired spinal innervation and difficulty in breathing. It is adapted to cases where the patient awakens suddenly from sleep, with a sense of suffocation; where breathing seems to depend largely on the will power. Here strychnine is valuable. When respiration flags in pneumonia, nux or strychnine is demanded.
Nux and strychnine are of great value in the urinal incontinence of children, when not due to irritation, and the same in the aged when due to a relaxed or paralyzed sphincter with feeble circulation. It is also a remedy for paralytic retention of urine. It is often of value incatarrh of the bladder. It is a remedy for uterine inertia, and is said to lessen the liability to post partum hemorrhage. Nux has long been used in sexual atony, as a remedy for impotence, spermatorrhoea, sexual frigidity in the female, etc. In amenorrhoea it serves well with iron if there is weakness, constipation, anemia and torpor. When in dysmenorrhoea, the discharges are premature and associated with cramps and chilliness, or in menstrual colic with sharp, cramp-like pain and marked atony, nux vomica is the remedy to be used. Small doses benefit leucorrhoea with a heavy, yellow discharge, and great torpor of the system.
Nux vomica has been praised in amblyopia when due to excessive use of tobacco or alcoholics, in nervous affections of the lids, andin muscular asthenopia (Foltz). Where atony of the general system contributes toward the aggravation of eye and ear disorders, nux should be administered. It often aids in the cure of conjunctivitis and phlyctenular keratitis. It is of some value in choroiditis. Inpurulent otitis media with general lack of tone, nux is the best remedy (Foltz).
Nux vomica and its alkaloids should always be given with great care, the physician closely observing its effects. The dose of powdered nux vomica is from 1/2 grain to 5 grains, three or four times a day, and gradually increased to 10, or until a slight influence is observed as indicated. Specific nux vomica, tincture, or alcoholic extract, are the best forms of administration. The extract may be given in doses of from 1/15 to 1/20 of a grain as a tonic; and in paralytic affections from 1/2 grain to 2 grains in the form of a pill, and, as with the powder, gradually increased. The saturated tincture may be given in doses of from 5 to 30 drops, likewise gradually increased. For specific uses, the usual prescription is: Rx Specific nux vomica, gtt. v to xv; aqua, fl℥iv. Mix. Sig. One teaspoonful every 1 to 3 hours, as indicated. (For further consideration, see Strychninae Sulphas.)
Specific Indications and Uses.—Atonic states; tongue pallid and expressionless, uncoated, or coated with a pasty-yellowish coat; yellowness of the conjunctiva; yellow or sallow countenance, and yellowish or sallow line around the mouth; fullness and dull pain in the right hypochondrium; pain in shoulder, colicky pains pointing to the umbilicus; menstrual colic; constipation; diarrhoea of atony; functional forms of paralysis.
Related Species.—Strychnos malaccensis, Bentham (Strychnos Gaultheriana, Pierre), Hoàng-Nàn, Tropical bindweed. A climber of Malacca and neighboring isles, also of China. Its bark contains brucine and strychnine, the former preponderating. The drug closely resembles the latter alkaloid in action, producing in the inferior animals violent tetanic convulsions. In doses of 3 grains of the powdered bark, it has been employed in cases in which nux vomica is applicable.
Strychnos colubrina, Linné, yields true lignum colubrinum, often substituted in India for nux vomica branches. It contains strychnine and brucine.
Strychnos potatorum, Linné, Clearing nuts, Indian gum nuts, Chilbinz.—India. The seeds of this species are subglobular, and of a brown-gray color. They are insipid in taste, and do not contain any alkaloid (Proc. Amer. Pharm. Assoc., 1893, p. 865), but an abundance of an albuminous body upon the presence of which their properties most likely depend. They are used in India to clear muddy water, and as an emetic, and in dysenteric disorders.
Related entries: Curare
Strychnos Tieute, Leschenault.—A climbing plant of Java. A decoction of the root-bark, mixed with onions, garlic, pepper, and other substances, constitutes the arrow poison upas tieute. Strychnine (about 1.5 percent) and very little brucine are the toxic principles contained in it. The seeds are lighter in color, and smaller than those of nux vomica. The seeds and the leaves, according to Boorsma, also contain 1.4 per cent of strychnine.
Akazga, Raja, M'Boundou, Quai, Ikaju, Icaja, Boundou.—According to Pecholier and Saint-Pierre, of France, this is believed to be a shrub of the family of Apocynaceae, which, as with some other plants of the same family (Nerium Oleander, Inee, etc.), is used in the preparation of a violent arrow poison. More recently, however, it was ascertained to be a Strychnos species, and the poison is now accepted to be derived from Strychnos Icaja, Baillon (1879). The root-bark is employed. It is intensely bitter, and feebly aromatic, and contains, according to Prof. T. R. Fraser, of Edinburgh, a crystallizable alkaloid which he has named akazgine. Heckel and Schlagdenhauffen, in 1881, established the absence of brucine and the presence of strychnine, in Icaja poison. This is confirmed by the more recent researches of Gautret and Lautier (Jour. Pharm. Chim., 1896, p. 418), who also found that the active principle is chiefly contained in the bark of the root, and is also found in much smaller quantity in the leaves and the stems.
According to Pecholier and Saint-Pierre, the bark of this shrub (Strychnos Icaja) is employed in infusion among the Africans on the Gabon as an ordeal liquid under the name of M'Boundou. The bark is macerated and the infusion given to the accused to drink, followed by certain proceedings; and if the accused can successfully pass the ordeal, he is deemed innocent of the charge against him. Its effect is to determine tetanic convulsions, with rapid death. Sometimes profuse urination occurs, and the person gradually returns to health and life. From experiments on frogs, a dog, and rabbits, these gentlemen have concluded that the boundou contains a poisonous principle, soluble in water and in alcohol, which exerts an action upon the sensitive nervous system analogous to that caused by nux vomica. Administered by the stomach, or used endermically, this poison increases the number of inspirations and cardiac pulsations, succeeded by a great diminution of these movements; at the same time it causes an exaggeration of sensibility, followed by tetanic convulsions, and, finally, insensibility, paralysis, and death. Its action on the motor nervous system is only secondary, and it does not affect the contractility of the muscular system. It is not a poison to the heart, which, on the contrary, continues to pulsate for a long time after death (Montpelier Medical).
IPOH.—At one time believed to be derived from Terris elliptica or Tuba root. The arrow-poison of the Malays and fish poison of Java. Its active constituent, an acid resin, dervid, is reputed intensely poisonous, gold-fish being stupefied by 1/5000000 part, death following in 30 minutes. Recently (1892), Ipoh has been ascertained to be identical with Upas antiar, from Antiaris toxicaria (see Wray, Pharm. Jour. Trans., 1892, p. 613). The pygmies of Central Africa use an arrow-poison containing both strychnine anderythrophloeine (also see Arrow-poisons under Strophanthus).
Ɣ Hedwigia balsamifera.—Habitat, the Antilles. Contains a resin and an alkaloid. The extract from root and stems acts powerfully upon the nervous system. The alkaloid acts upon the spinal cord, inducing convulsions; the resin is a paralyzer.
Hyaenanche globosa (Toxicodendron capense).—South Africa. Contains a powerfully poisonous, bitter, neutral principlehyananchine, acting much like strychnine, except that it markedly affects the cerebrum, the convulsions being of centric origin (see Engelhardt, Jahresb. der Pharm., 1892, p. 55).
Kapikachhu (Mucuna pruiens)
Main use of the plant are following:
• It contain L-Dopa which is used as anti-Parkinson's, help increases testosterone
• Aphrodisiac - increases libido and it is very good for impotency and erectile dysfunction
• It is used to stimulate growth of hormone - anabolic/androgenic
• It help reduces spasms and relieves pain - analgesic/ antispasmodic
• Help LOWERS BLOOD SUGAR and blood pressure (hypo tensive)
• It increases urination (uterine stimulant), help reduces fever (febrifuge) and it is a good cough suppressant
• It calms nerves (nervine), reduces nerve pain (neurasthenic)
• It help lowers cholesterol (hypo cholesterolemic)
• it act as a WEIGHT LOSS aid
• It reduces inflammation - anti-inflammatory
Other important Mucuna properties
• It help prevents or eliminates kidney stones (antilithic)
• It help kills parasites (antiparasitic) and expels worms (vermifuge)
Other important Mucuna properties:
• It help prevents or eliminates kidney stones (antilithic)
• It help kills parasites (antiparasitic) and expels worms (vermifuge)
• It expels gas (carminative)
• It is a menstrual stimulant
• It is a central nervous system stimulant
Sexual Disorder:
It is recognized as an aphrodisiac in Ayurveda and helps increase testosterone levels, leading to deposition of protein in the MUSCLES and increased muscle mass and strength. Mucuna has been used as an aphrodisiac, it is used to increase libido in both men and women, and help in erectile dysfunction. It also help in impotency.
The benefit of Mucuna pruriens in sexual disorder :
• It release bound up testosterone
• Increase blood circulation to the genitals.
• Eliminate stress and anxiety
• Strengthen and tone the sexual glands
• Support the healthy production of the sex hormones
• Increase stamina and sex drive
• Act as a restorative nutrient for the nervous system
Nervous System Disorders :
It is used as a nervine tonic for nervous system disorders. Because of the high concentration of L-dopa in the seeds. It has been studied for its possible use in Parkinson’s disease. It was found to slow the progression of Parkinson’s symptoms (such as tremors, rigidity, slurring, drooling, and imbalance), and to have none of the side-effects of the current pharmaceutical L-dopa.
Reduction of cholesterol and blood sugar :
Research shows mucuna extract is beneficial for reducing cholesterol , LOWERING BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS and enhancing mental alertness all without stimulating the central nervous system.
Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata)
Pluchea lacneolata is a natural cure for all problems of the nervous system, specially of the nerves. Rasna helps in the conditions like neuritis, sciatica and chronic inflammation of the nervous system Being Vedana Sthapana and Vata pacifier Rasna is useful in Rheumatoid arthritis and Vata disorders.
Sunthi (Zingiber officinale)
Health benefits of Ginger: Ginger can be used safely to treat a wide range of health problems, from simple nauseaarthritis. (Weed) The aspect I most appreciate about ginger is what a good supporting player it is in herbal formulas. Ginger combines well with many herbs, improving taste and potency. Ginger speeds up the delivery of healthy plant chemicals into the bloodstream. Ginger is also a blood thinner, which may help reduce angina episodes by lowering cholesterol. The increase in blood flow helps relieve abdominal cramps and open the pelvis to bring on menstruation. (Gladstar, 36)
Ginger may be one of the most important plants used in herbal medicine, it is certainly one of the most used. The cultivation of this plant extends so far back in human history that specific origins are hard to trace, however, ginger is mentioned in the eldest medical texts from both India and China. Ginger is one of the most prescribed herbs in TCM, Sheng-jiang (fresh ginger) is used in the treatment of colds for it's ability to eliminate toxins and raise body heat.(Foster, Steven, Chongxi)
Sesame seeds and sesame seed oil are used for food and skin care and have a rich tradition of medicinal use. Sesame seeds are used in Chinese medicine as a treatment for hair loss, and as a liver tonic, according to pharmacognosist Albert Leung, Ph.D. Both ginger root and sesame are invigorating to the scalp and can stimulate hair growth. For a ginger oil treatment, grate fresh ginger root and mix it with sesame oil. Massage the ginger oil into your scalp and leave it on for about 10 minutes. Rinse and shampoo your hair.
Satavar (Asparagus racemosus)
• Pain.
• Anxiety.
• Stomach spasms.
• Uterine bleeding.
• Stomach ulcers.
• Diarrhea.
• Bronchitis.
• Diabetes.
• Dementia.
• Easing alcohol withdrawal.
• Starting breast milk production.
• Other conditions.
More evidence is needed to rate the effectiveness of asparagus racemosus for these uses.
Shudh Gugglu (Commiphora mukul)
• Treating some types of acne. Guggul seems to work about as well as the antibiotic tetracycline in the treatment of nodulocystic ACNE . Both treatments decrease pain, swelling , and redness (inflammation), and the number of acne outbreaks.
• Lowering cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood of people eating a Western diet. Interestingly, guggul does seem to work in Indian populations, who eat a different type of diet. Among this group,
Vidari Kand (Ipomoea digitata)
Ipomoea digitata Linn, Indications & Contra-indications
The Indication of Rhizomes of Ipomoea digitata Linn is
The Indication of Flower of Ipomoea digitata Linn is
The Indications of Tuberous Roots of Ipomoea digitata Linn
No Contra Indication information is available for Ipomoea digitata Linn.